
Does your school or a school near you need our help?

How it works

Fresh cheese sandwiches are delivered every 3 weeks and are individually wrapped so they can be stored easily in your school freezer and then toasted/defrosted as required. Lunches are nutritious and made with Wonder White high fibre bread which has added vitamins and minerals. Snacks such as fresh fruit, chobani youghurt pouches and messy monkeys snacks are also delivered when we are able to source them from supporting suppliers.

We check in with you during the program to adjust quantity as required - to both minimise any wastage, whilst also ensuring sufficient sandwiches are delivered.

Here is a short video about Eat Up to give you a little more information.

Eat Up currently assists over 1000 schools across Australia

Hover over a state below to discover our locations:

We are currently operating in NSW, NT, QLD, VIC and WA. While we don't currently service ACT, SA or TAS, we would still love to hear from you.

Is your school seeking support? Register your interest here.

    What’s been happening

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    © Eat Up Australia Ltd, 2021ABN 52 609 589 022